All my devices are not compatible. Any work around?

I guess in HE it would be rules, which I'm fine in setting up again on HE.

I wanted Aqara because I'm also looking into using Homekit and they are compatible.

The sensors can, but not arming and disarming the alarm system.

Most don't or if they do, they are very limited on what they can do.

I also started with another Ecosystem (Alexa) in my case, and I also got Hubitat to have all my HA devices in one app and have them work together, but I hit a brick wall when I found out that none of my devices were natively supported. If I had cheap HA devices I would understand but I have name brand devices that I have to rely on the community to be able to get it to work on HE.

The main reason why I wanted Hubitat is to have one app that I can use one dashboard on an Ipad to control my whole home with tiles, being that I can toggle light switches, control my thermostat, access my ring cameras , run rules to be able to change the locor of the lights in a particular room , see how much battery is left on my ring doorbell.

My issue is that i don't want to have to buy all new devices to work with Hubitat, i rather just go back to using Alexa with switches like Flic , or what I'm currently using Broadlink to run routines to not have to yell to my Alexa.

@aaiyar i am installing homebridge now to get other devices to work with Homekit.

as per the ring integration I will look into the thread, thanks

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To be clear HomeBridge is a one-way integration. It will help you get devices, such as Hubitat devices, into HomeKit. But it would export HomeKit devices to other systems.

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@aaiyar thats fine , i just want one place to be able to access all my HA devices .

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Many (most?) of us on Hubitat rely on it for automations. So while I do have about half my Hubitat devices on HomeKit (via HomeBridge), I use Apple Home very rarely - less than once a week.

Most of my devices rely on sensors to be controlled - for eg. sensor-dependent lighting, sensor-dependent HVAC control, sensor-dependent plant watering etc.