I'm having the exact issue. I have 7 leviton outlets ZW15R-1BW and more than half of them occasionally becomes unresponsiveneeds to be power cycled through my breaker.
I see folks have some success of getting replacements. Does anyone mind sharing their experience dealing with leviton support?
I was able to get all my ZW15R outlets updated to the beta firmware (1.11) from Leviton without having to buy a z-wave stick. Details are documented here in case anyone needs to follow the steps.
I hope I will no longer need to power cycle my switches... thanks all again!
No clue, but a couple posters around here seem to be in - you could ask them. Sounds like the beta is going well, so hopefully they'll release it soon.
I first reached out to custsvc@leviton.com and they transferred me to talk to corporatetechsupport@levitonpartnerportal.com which got my problem resolved. I had to sign some stuff to get access to the beta program - there were no issues getting access to the files.
The outlets are working great so far. I didn't have to power cycle them anymore!
I am just starting into the smart home lighting and my Hubitat is arriving today, and I'm about to start installing my Leviton Z-wave switches, dimmers, and fan controls.
I see several people refer to having gotten the beta firmware for the ZW15R outlets. But has anyone been able to get a beta firmware for the ZW4SF fan controls (and if so, did it fix the dropping issue as others have reported it did for the ZW15R outlets?).
I had the same problem with a few outlets so I requested access to the beta and was given the outlet firmware. Shortly after that I started having frequent issues with my single fan controller. Did you ever get anywhere with fan firmware? If not, maybe I should reach out now that I joined the beta program.
Well, unfortunate news. One of my outlets that I flashed with the beta firmware has become unresponsive again. It worked without fail for a few months, now that it has some decorative lights plugged in it has been getting more use and has stopped working. Haven't had a chance to flip the breaker yet so if it turns out to be more than just that I will report back.
Anyone else have any issues after updating firmware?
EDIT: Just flipped the breaker and the outlet started working again.
Ugh, that's still not a good sign... Man, I wish Leviton would take this f/w-update stuff more seriously - that beta's been going on for over a year now. These are great looking outlets, but lack of support is smoking their marketshare.
I suspect Leviton is quietly throwing in the towel on z-wave, and that would be a bummer.
I basically stopped buying in wall outlets due to lack of options and the cost is, in my opinion, a bit excessive. I know theres more hoops to jump through for in wall outlets than plug in ones but these issues really forced me to stop buying in wall even though I much prefer them in a lot of areas. My GE in wall outlets have been flawless but I have a hard time spending 50 bucks an outlet on 500 series zwave devices.