Alexa Thermostat Control "Turn down/up temperature"

Whenever I ask Alexa to "turn down/up temperature"...the results are successful (temp goes up/down by 2 degrees) BUT I but Alexa responds that it was "not successful" and the following
appears in the logs:

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: toString for class: java.math.BigDecimal on line 769 (handleRequest)

I have tested with a virtual thermastate with the same results (to eliminate my device driver being the cause)

What is the full log entry, and what app or device does the app or device ID listed in the logs correspond to? That would help staff determine whether it's an app (likely the Alexa Skill app) or driver (whatever device you're using) issue.

If the Alexa skill, my guess is that the developer forgot the parentheses on .toString(). :slight_smile:

Found the bug.. Thanks for the report.. Fix will be included in 2.2.4