Alexa devices on Hubitat

It is my understanding that Hubitat cannot add Alexa wifi devices. However, I see people mentioning somehow getting around it with virtual devices? Can someone please explain it to me in detail?
Specifically, I have Roborock S7 which is added to my Alexa. What am I supposed to do to get it into Hubitat?

Thank you

This thread and the example explain it. Once this virtual device is shared with Alexa, activation of the switch from Hubitat with trigger the virtual motion sensor or virtual contact sensor. This is what Alexa needs to trigger an Alexa Routine.


Another option, albeit, more complicated is to add Echo Speaks. With Echo Speaks you can send voice commands to Alexa directly from HE.

The method described in the thread @SmartHomePrimer linked is a much simpler way to go.