Air Things View Plus

FYI there is an AirQuality driver capability with attribute airQualityIndex

I thought about that, but wouldn't want to assume that pm25 is the sole factor in an AQI,

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That was quick. I updated the driver. Looks like the result is the inverse of what it should be. I'm currently showing pm25=5 and pm25Aqi=1.2.

pm25 of 5 should equate to an AQI of 21. (If pm25 was 1.2 then the AQI would be 5.)

Thanks. May have missed one of the steps, I’ll see if I can find it and make the adjustment.

@hu4725 Found it. Had to go to to grab the correct calculation, and then adjust the lerp table.

Re-import the code from and try it now.

@thebearmay There we go! Looking good now. Thank you again.

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@thebearmay - I've made a few minor updates to your driver file, to specifically support:

  1. barometric pressure units conversion to inHg (the typical English units used in the AirThings app)
  2. Expose and format the "API Last Update Time" (returned as "time" in the API) as a device attribute

I'm considering one other change to allow battery, RSSI, and relay type to be "hidden" (I'm stealing a bunch of ideas from your Hub Info Driver). -

Not sure if your interested in these updates or not, and I'm not well versed in HPM manifests - Should I generate a GitHub PR, or post the single groovy driver file here, DM it to you, or your some other approach (or your not planning to maintain this app/driver).

Let me know if you want me to send my changes along (your welcome to modify them as well), and what venue to use, assuming you do want to review them. Just hoping some of these minor tweaks are useful to others.

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Either send it to via a PM or Github PR and I'll merge it in and do the HPM work for you.

I read through this thread but didn’t see it mentioned. But what poll rate is everyone polling? 5 minutes, 30 mins? An hour? Thanks!

I have 2 Air Things Plus and both are set for 5 minutes. The reason so often is when VOCs gets high I turn on the HEPA filters to clean the air. Also, I check the CO2 values and when high I turn on fans to bring in some fresh air. If I was only looking at the Radon I would probably go 30 minutes or more.
