I just purchased three of these. They are listed as compatible as of 2.2.3 in December 2020. They are detecting movement but I cannot get it to trip the lights. The log seems to indicate that it is not parsing correctly.
Device Details
Create Time | 2021-01-18 2:40:29 PM PST |
Last Update Time | 2021-01-20 12:43:01 PM PST |
Last Activity At | |
Data | * endpointId: 01 |
- application: 45
- manufacturer: TUYATEC-zn9wyqtr
- model: RH3040
- softwareBuild:
- inClusters: 0000,0001,0500
- outClusters: 0019,000A|
|In Use By|* Family Room Motion Zone Controller (Motion Zone) - Master (Dashboard)
- Turn On & Set Level Bar Light when Family Room Active (Simple Automation Rule 1.1)|
Log file:
dev:2002021-01-20 12:46:16.830 pm warnparse(String description) not implemented
dev:2002021-01-20 12:46:16.718 pm warnparse(String description) not implemented
dev:2002021-01-20 12:45:14.485 pm warnparse(String description) not implemented
dev:2002021-01-20 12:45:14.378 pm warnparse(String description) not implemented