Again with VLC Thing and Hubitat

I will when I get to my PC.

As far as I know a proper "port" was never released. And that was some time ago. I do not recall exactly what it took get working.

Ok thanks for your time on this one... I will keep eyes open on this threat looking for a solution.

One last question.... I'm trying to do this because here internet is a nightmare and very expensive so I would like to use a device not depending on Internet.

Do you have any experience using Google Home Mini offline with Hubitat? As far as I checked on the web it only can be used as a Bluetooth speaker but nothing else.

Here is what I use. Fair warning all functions may not work properly.

I can confirm speak and play track to work here. This has been in my hub for some time.

     *  VLC Things. A SmartThings device handler for the VLC media player.
     *  For more information, please visit
     *  <>
     *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  Copyright © 2014
     *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
     *  Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
     *  any later version.
     *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
     *  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
     *  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
     *  for more details.
     *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
     *  with this program.  If not, see <>.
     *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  Version 2.0.0 (12/22/2016)

    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

    preferences {
        // NOTE: Android client does not accept "defaultValue" attribute!
        input("confIpAddr", "string", title:"VLC IP Address",
            required:false, displayDuringSetup:true)
        input("confTcpPort", "number", title:"VLC TCP Port",
            required:false, displayDuringSetup:true)
        input("confPassword", "password", title:"VLC Password",
            required:false, displayDuringSetup:true)

    metadata {
        definition (name:"VLC Thing", namespace:"statusbits", author:"") {
            capability "Actuator"
            capability "Switch"
            capability "Music Player"
            capability "Speech Synthesis"
            capability "Refresh"
            capability "Polling"

            // Custom attributes
            attribute "connection", "string"    // Connection status string

            // Custom commands
            command "enqueue", ["string"]
            command "seek", ["number"]
            command "playTrackAndResume", ["string","number","number"]
            command "playTrackAndRestore", ["string","number","number"]
            command "playTextAndResume", ["string","number"]
            command "playTextAndRestore", ["string","number"]
            command "playSoundAndTrack", ["string","number","json_object","number"]
            command "testTTS"

    def installed() {
        //log.debug "installed()" title()

        // Initialize attributes to default values (Issue #18)
        sendEvent([name:'status', value:'stopped', displayed:false])
        sendEvent([name:'level', value:'0', displayed:false])
        sendEvent([name:'mute', value:'unmuted', displayed:false])
        sendEvent([name:'trackDescription', value:'', displayed:false])
        sendEvent([name:'connection', value:'disconnected', displayed:false])

    def updated() {
    	//log.debug "updated with settings: ${settings}" title()


        if (!settings.confIpAddr) {
    	    log.warn "IP address is not set!"

        def port = settings.confTcpPort
        if (!port) {
    	    log.warn "Using default TCP port 8080!"
            port = 8080

        def dni = createDNI(settings.confIpAddr, port)
        device.deviceNetworkId = dni
        state.dni = dni
        state.hostAddress = "${settings.confIpAddr}:${settings.confTcpPort}"
        state.requestTime = 0
        state.responseTime = 0
        state.updatedTime = 0
        state.lastPoll = 0

        if (settings.confPassword) {
            state.userAuth = ":${settings.confPassword}".bytes.encodeBase64() as String
        } else {
            state.userAuth = null


    def pollingTask() {
        //log.debug "pollingTask()"

        state.lastPoll = now()

        // Check connection status
        def requestTime = state.requestTime ?: 0
        def responseTime = state.responseTime ?: 0
        if (requestTime && (requestTime - responseTime) > 10000) {
            log.warn "No connection!"
                name:           'connection',
                value:          'disconnected',
                isStateChange:  true,
                displayed:      true

        def updated = state.updatedTime ?: 0
        if ((now() - updated) > 10000) {
            return apiGetStatus()

    def parse(String message) {
        def msg = stringToMap(message)
        if (msg.containsKey("simulator")) {
            // simulator input
            return parseHttpResponse(msg)

        if (!msg.containsKey("headers")) {
            log.error "No HTTP headers found in '${message}'"
            return null

        // parse HTTP response headers
        def headers = new String(msg.headers.decodeBase64())
        def parsedHeaders = parseHttpHeaders(headers)
       // log.debug "parsedHeaders: ${parsedHeaders}"
        if (parsedHeaders.status != 200) {
            log.error "Server error: ${parsedHeaders.reason}"
            return null

        // parse HTTP response body
        if (!msg.body) {
            log.error "No HTTP body found in '${message}'"
            return null

        def body = new String(msg.body.decodeBase64())
        def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
        return parseHttpResponse(slurper.parseText(body))

    // switch.on
    def on() {

    def off() {

    def play() {
        //log.debug "play()"

        def command
        if (device.currentValue('status') == 'paused') {
            command = 'command=pl_forceresume'
        } else {
            command = 'command=pl_play'

        return apiCommand(command, 500)

    // MusicPlayer.stop
    def stop() {
        //log.debug "stop()"
        return apiCommand("command=pl_stop", 500)

    // MusicPlayer.pause
    def pause() {
        //log.debug "pause()"
        return apiCommand("command=pl_forcepause")

    // MusicPlayer.playTrack
    def playTrack(uri) {
        //log.debug "playTrack(${uri})"
        def command = "command=in_play&input=" + URLEncoder.encode(uri, "UTF-8")
        return apiCommand(command, 500)

    // MusicPlayer.playText
    def playText(text) {
        log.debug "playText(${text})"
        def sound = textToSpeech(text, "Brian")
        //def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
        log.debug "line 278 ${sound}"
        return playTrack(sound.uri)

    // MusicPlayer.setTrack
    def setTrack(name) {
        log.warn "setTrack(${name}) not implemented"
        return null

    // MusicPlayer.resumeTrack
    def resumeTrack(name) {
        log.warn "resumeTrack(${name}) not implemented"
        return null

    // MusicPlayer.restoreTrack
    def restoreTrack(name) {
        log.warn "restoreTrack(${name}) not implemented"
        return null

    // MusicPlayer.nextTrack
    def nextTrack() {
        //log.debug "nextTrack()"
        return apiCommand("command=pl_next", 500)

    // MusicPlayer.previousTrack
    def previousTrack() {
        //log.debug "previousTrack()"
        return apiCommand("command=pl_previous", 500)

    // MusicPlayer.setLevel
    def setLevel(number) {
        //log.debug "setLevel(${number})"

        if (device.currentValue('mute') == 'muted') {
            sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'unmuted')

        sendEvent(name:"level", value:number)
        def volume = ((number * 512) / 100) as int
        return apiCommand("command=volume&val=${volume}")

    // MusicPlayer.mute
    def mute() {
        //log.debug "mute()"

        if (device.currentValue('mute') == 'muted') {
            return null

        state.savedVolume = device.currentValue('level')
        sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'muted')
        sendEvent(name:'level', value:0)

        return apiCommand("command=volume&val=0")

    // MusicPlayer.unmute
    def unmute() {
        //log.debug "unmute()"

        if (device.currentValue('mute') == 'muted') {
            return setLevel(state.savedVolume.toInteger())

        return null

    // SpeechSynthesis.speak
    def speak(text) {
        log.debug "line 292 speak(${text})"
        def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
        //def sound = textToSpeech(text, "Brian")
        return playTrack(sound.uri)

    // polling.poll 
    def poll() {
        //log.debug "poll()"
        return refresh()

    // refresh.refresh
    def refresh() {
        //log.debug "refresh()"

        if (!updateDNI()) {
                name:           'connection',
                value:          'disconnected',
                isStateChange:  true,
                displayed:      false

            return null

        // Restart polling task if it's not run for 5 minutes
        def elapsed = (now() - (state?.lastPoll ? state.lastPoll : (now()-301))) / 1000
        if (elapsed > 300) {
            log.warn "Restarting polling task..."

        return apiGetStatus()

    def enqueue(uri) {
        //log.debug "enqueue(${uri})"
        def command = "command=in_enqueue&input=" + URLEncoder.encode(uri, "UTF-8")
        return apiCommand(command)

    def seek(trackNumber) {
        //log.debug "seek(${trackNumber})"
        def command = "command=pl_play&id=${trackNumber}"
        return apiCommand(command, 500)

    def playTrackAndResume(uri, duration, volume = null) {
        //log.debug "playTrackAndResume(${uri}, ${duration}, ${volume})"

        // FIXME
        return playTrackAndRestore(uri, duration, volume)

    def playTrackAndRestore(uri, duration, volume = null) {
        //log.debug "playTrackAndRestore(${uri}, ${duration}, ${volume})"

        def currentStatus = device.currentValue('status')
        def currentVolume = device.currentValue('level')
        def currentMute = device.currentValue('mute')
        def actions = []
        if (currentStatus == 'playing') {
            actions << apiCommand("command=pl_stop")
            actions << delayHubAction(500)

        if (volume) {
            actions << setLevel(volume)
            actions << delayHubAction(500)
        } else if (currentMute == 'muted') {
            actions << unmute()
            actions << delayHubAction(500)

        def delay = (duration.toInteger() + 1) * 1000
        //log.debug "delay = ${delay}"

        actions << playTrack(uri)
        actions << delayHubAction(delay)
        actions << apiCommand("command=pl_stop")
        actions << delayHubAction(500)

        if (currentMute == 'muted') {
            actions << mute()
        } else if (volume) {
            actions << setLevel(currentVolume)

        actions << apiGetStatus()
        actions = actions.flatten()
        //log.debug "actions: ${actions}"

        return actions

    def playTextAndResume(text) {
        log.debug "playTextAndResume(${text}, ${volume})"
        def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
        //log.debug "line 393 sound = ${sound}"
        return playTrackAndResume(sound.uri, (sound.duration as Integer) + 1, volume)

    def playTextAndRestore(text, volume = null) {
        //log.debug "playTextAndRestore(${text}, ${volume})"
        def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
        return playTrackAndRestore(sound.uri, (sound.duration as Integer) + 1, volume)

    def playSoundAndTrack(uri, duration, trackData, volume = null) {
        //log.debug "playSoundAndTrack(${uri}, ${duration}, ${trackData}, ${volume})"

        // FIXME
        return playTrackAndRestore(uri, duration, volume)

    def testTTS() {
        //log.debug "testTTS()"
        def text = "VLC for Smart Things is brought to you by"
        return playTextAndResume(text)

    private startPollingTask() {
        //log.debug "startPollingTask()"


        Random rand = new Random(now())
        def seconds = rand.nextInt(60)
        def sched = "${seconds} 0/1 * * * ?"

        //log.debug "Scheduling polling task with \"${sched}\""
        schedule(sched, pollingTask)

    def apiGet(String path) {
        //log.debug "apiGet(${path})"

        if (!updateDNI()) {
            return null

        state.requestTime = now()
        state.responseTime = 0

        def headers = [
            HOST:       state.hostAddress,
            Accept:     "*/*"
        if (state.userAuth != null) {
            headers['Authorization'] = "Basic ${state.userAuth}"

        def httpRequest = [
            method:     'GET',
            path:       path,
            headers:    headers

        //log.debug "httpRequest: ${httpRequest}"
        return new hubitat.device.HubAction(httpRequest)

    private def delayHubAction(ms) {
        return new hubitat.device.HubAction("delay ${ms}")

    private apiGetStatus() {
        return apiGet("/requests/status.json")

    private apiCommand(command, refresh = 0) {
        //log.debug "apiCommand(${command})"

        def actions = [

        if (refresh) {
            actions << delayHubAction(refresh)
            actions << apiGetStatus()

        return actions

    private def apiGetPlaylists() {
        //log.debug "getPlaylists()"
        return apiGet("/requests/playlist.json")

    private parseHttpHeaders(String headers) {
        def lines = headers.readLines()
        def status = lines.remove(0).split()

        def result = [
            protocol:   status[0],
            status:     status[1].toInteger(),
            reason:     status[2]

        return result

    private def parseHttpResponse(Map data) {
        //log.debug "parseHttpResponse(${data})"

        state.updatedTime = now()
        if (!state.responseTime) {
            state.responseTime = now()

        def events = []

        if (data.containsKey('state')) {
            def vlcState = data.state
            //log.debug "VLC state: ${vlcState})"
            events << createEvent(name:"status", value:vlcState)
            if (vlcState == 'stopped') {
                events << createEvent([name:'trackDescription', value:''])

        if (data.containsKey('volume')) {
            //log.debug "VLC volume: ${data.volume})"
            def volume = ((data.volume.toInteger() * 100) / 512) as int
            events << createEvent(name:'level', value:volume)

        if (data.containsKey('information')) {
            parseTrackInfo(events, data.information)

        events << createEvent([
            name:           'connection',
            value:          'connected',
            isStateChange:  true,
            displayed:      false

        //log.debug "events: ${events}"
        return events

    private def parseTrackInfo(events, Map info) {
        //log.debug "parseTrackInfo(${events}, ${info})"

        if (info.containsKey('category') && info.category.containsKey('meta')) {
            def meta = info.category.meta
            //log.debug "Track info: ${meta})"
            if (meta.containsKey('filename')) {
                if (meta.filename.contains("//")) {
                    log.trace "Skipping event generation for sound file ${meta.filename}"

            def track = ""
            if (meta.containsKey('artist')) {
                track = "${meta.artist} - "
            if (meta.containsKey('title')) {
                track += meta.title
            } else if (meta.containsKey('filename')) {
                def parts = meta.filename.tokenize('/');
                track += parts.last()
            } else {
                track += '<untitled>'

            if (track != device.currentState('trackDescription')) {
                meta.station = track
                events << createEvent(name:'trackDescription', value:track, displayed:false)
               // events << createEvent(name:'trackData', value:meta.encodeAsJSON(), displayed:false)

    private def myTextToSpeech(text) {
        def sound = textToSpeech(text)
        log.debug "${text}"
        log.debug "${sound.uri}"
        sound.uri = sound.uri.replace('https:', 'http:')
        return sound

    private String createDNI(ipaddr, port) {
        //log.debug "createDNI(${ipaddr}, ${port})"

        def hexIp = ipaddr.tokenize('.').collect {
            String.format('%02X', it.toInteger())

        def hexPort = String.format('%04X', port.toInteger())
        return "${hexIp}:${hexPort}"

    private updateDNI() {
        if (!state.dni) {
    	    log.warn "DNI is not set! Please enter IP address and port in settings."
            return false
        if (state.dni != device.deviceNetworkId) {
    	    log.warn "Invalid DNI: ${device.deviceNetworkId}!"
            device.deviceNetworkId = state.dni

        return true

    private def title() {
        return "VLC Thing. Version 2.0.0 (12/22/2016). Copyright © 2014"

    private def STATE() {
        log.trace "state: ${state}"
        log.trace "deviceNetworkId: ${device.deviceNetworkId}"
        log.trace "status: ${device.currentValue('status')}"
        log.trace "level: ${device.currentValue('level')}"
        log.trace "mute: ${device.currentValue('mute')}"
        log.trace "trackDescription: ${device.currentValue('trackDescription')}"
        log.trace "connection: ${device.currentValue("connection")}"

I do not think these will function without internet.

You are correct. Any google home device (mini, home, max, hub or hub max) will not work at all without an internet connection. You cannot even play locally streamed music.

Are you trying to cast to a Google Home Mini with VLC Thing?

Assuming you have it all working, but if you don't...

If you are trying to cast to a Google Home device, there's a trick. At least on the Mac version there is. Perhaps the Windows version doesn't have this issue. But if it does, maybe this will help you.

1 Like

VLC Thing is to play to VLC. :slight_smile: he then asked a question about google home.


Understood. But he didn't mention how he was playing the sound from VLC Player. When I saw the question about Google Home Mini, I thought that perhaps this was how he was trying to play the sound, and possibly why it may not be working for him. So I offered what I know works on the Mac version.

Perhaps he also was not aware that you could cast to a Google Home Mini from VLC Player? I might have accidentally helped :wink:

Yes but i don't think you'd want to (or even could) cast to Google home through VLC through VLC thing. That's 2 more hops than necessary.

:thinking: Huh? I don't follow.

Nevermind...not important.

Thanks a lot cwwilson08 for the Code!! :+1:,
I will try it for sure right now and I will let you know the results.

For the rest of collegues .. I am not trying to cast to google home through VLC... I'm just researching what options do I have to have TTS or tracks playback on my home but NOT DEPENDING ON WWW. As you said Google Home (and similars) depends on www according my readings, VLC do not and that's why for now is my choice even when I have to use a computer turned on all the time to use it (I own an old small laptop I think could be the one).

But of course it would be nice to have a dedicated device for this. And I know about PI option but in my country I can't buy it so at the end it will cost almost the same compared with a Google mini and thats why I was asking for it.

Thanks for the help I will try the provided Code

Yeap!!! cwwilson08 you nail it!.
This Code is working 100%..:sunglasses:
I suggest to the rest to save it because in this whole forum I couldn't find a post with a working code except this one.
Thanks a lot!


Advice for all!
The above driver code for VLC Thing is working fine with RM but in HSM and Notification app do not work well due an issue with the PlayTrack function.

bravenel help me to fix it and I just want to share this code with you.
I'm planing to keep fixing it as possible:

Thanks again to cwwilson08 for sharing the initial code:

     *  VLC Things. A SmartThings device handler for the VLC media player.
     *  For more information, please visit
     *  <>
     *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  Copyright © 2014
     *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
     *  Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
     *  any later version.
     *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
     *  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
     *  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
     *  for more details.
     *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
     *  with this program.  If not, see <>.
     *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  Version 2.0.0 (12/22/2016)

    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

    preferences {
        // NOTE: Android client does not accept "defaultValue" attribute!
        input("confIpAddr", "string", title:"VLC IP Address",
            required:false, displayDuringSetup:true)
        input("confTcpPort", "number", title:"VLC TCP Port",
            required:false, displayDuringSetup:true)
        input("confPassword", "password", title:"VLC Password",
            required:false, displayDuringSetup:true)

    metadata {
        definition (name:"VLC Thing", namespace:"statusbits", author:"") {
            capability "Actuator"
            capability "Switch"
            capability "Music Player"
            capability "Speech Synthesis"
            capability "Refresh"
            capability "Polling"

            // Custom attributes
            attribute "connection", "string"    // Connection status string

            // Custom commands
            command "enqueue", ["string"]
            command "seek", ["number"]
            command "playTrackAndResume", ["string","number","number"]
            command "playTrackAndRestore", ["string","number","number"]
            command "playTextAndResume", ["string","number"]
            command "playTextAndRestore", ["string","number"]
            command "playSoundAndTrack", ["string","number","json_object","number"]
            command "testTTS"

    def installed() {
        //log.debug "installed()" title()

        // Initialize attributes to default values (Issue #18)
        sendEvent([name:'status', value:'stopped', displayed:false])
        sendEvent([name:'level', value:'0', displayed:false])
        sendEvent([name:'mute', value:'unmuted', displayed:false])
        sendEvent([name:'trackDescription', value:'', displayed:false])
        sendEvent([name:'connection', value:'disconnected', displayed:false])

    def updated() {
    	//log.debug "updated with settings: ${settings}" title()


        if (!settings.confIpAddr) {
    	    log.warn "IP address is not set!"

        def port = settings.confTcpPort
        if (!port) {
    	    log.warn "Using default TCP port 8080!"
            port = 8080

        def dni = createDNI(settings.confIpAddr, port)
        device.deviceNetworkId = dni
        state.dni = dni
        state.hostAddress = "${settings.confIpAddr}:${settings.confTcpPort}"
        state.requestTime = 0
        state.responseTime = 0
        state.updatedTime = 0
        state.lastPoll = 0

        if (settings.confPassword) {
            state.userAuth = ":${settings.confPassword}".bytes.encodeBase64() as String
        } else {
            state.userAuth = null


    def pollingTask() {
        //log.debug "pollingTask()"

        state.lastPoll = now()

        // Check connection status
        def requestTime = state.requestTime ?: 0
        def responseTime = state.responseTime ?: 0
        if (requestTime && (requestTime - responseTime) > 10000) {
            log.warn "No connection!"
                name:           'connection',
                value:          'disconnected',
                isStateChange:  true,
                displayed:      true

        def updated = state.updatedTime ?: 0
        if ((now() - updated) > 10000) {
            return apiGetStatus()

    def parse(String message) {
        def msg = stringToMap(message)
        if (msg.containsKey("simulator")) {
            // simulator input
            return parseHttpResponse(msg)

        if (!msg.containsKey("headers")) {
            log.error "No HTTP headers found in '${message}'"
            return null

        // parse HTTP response headers
        def headers = new String(msg.headers.decodeBase64())
        def parsedHeaders = parseHttpHeaders(headers)
       // log.debug "parsedHeaders: ${parsedHeaders}"
        if (parsedHeaders.status != 200) {
            log.error "Server error: ${parsedHeaders.reason}"
            return null

        // parse HTTP response body
        if (!msg.body) {
            log.error "No HTTP body found in '${message}'"
            return null

        def body = new String(msg.body.decodeBase64())
        def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
        return parseHttpResponse(slurper.parseText(body))

    // switch.on
    def on() {

    def off() {

    def play() {
        //log.debug "play()"

        def command
        if (device.currentValue('status') == 'paused') {
            command = 'command=pl_forceresume'
        } else {
            command = 'command=pl_play'

        return apiCommand(command, 500)

    // MusicPlayer.stop
    def stop() {
        //log.debug "stop()"
        return apiCommand("command=pl_stop", 500)

    // MusicPlayer.pause
    def pause() {
        //log.debug "pause()"
        return apiCommand("command=pl_forcepause")

    // MusicPlayer.setLevel
    def setLevel(number) {
        //log.debug "setLevel(${number})"

        if (device.currentValue('mute') == 'muted') {
            sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'unmuted')

        sendEvent(name:"level", value:number)
        def volume = ((number * 512) / 100) as int
        return apiCommand("command=volume&val=${volume}")

    // MusicPlayer.playTrack
    def playTrack(uri) {
        //log.debug "playTrack(${uri})"
        def command = "command=in_play&input=" + URLEncoder.encode(uri, "UTF-8")
        return apiCommand(command, 500)

    def playTrack(track, level) {

    // MusicPlayer.playText
    def playText(text) {
        log.debug "playText(${text})"
        def sound = textToSpeech(text, "Brian")
        //def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
        log.debug "line 278 ${sound}"
        return playTrack(sound.uri)
    // MusicPlayer.setTrack
    def setTrack(name) {
        log.warn "setTrack(${name}) not implemented"
        return null

    // MusicPlayer.resumeTrack
    def resumeTrack(name) {
        log.warn "resumeTrack(${name}) not implemented"
        return null

    // MusicPlayer.restoreTrack
    def restoreTrack(name) {
        log.warn "restoreTrack(${name}) not implemented"
        return null

    // MusicPlayer.nextTrack
    def nextTrack() {
        //log.debug "nextTrack()"
        return apiCommand("command=pl_next", 500)

    // MusicPlayer.previousTrack
    def previousTrack() {
        //log.debug "previousTrack()"
        return apiCommand("command=pl_previous", 500)

    // MusicPlayer.mute
    def mute() {
        //log.debug "mute()"

        if (device.currentValue('mute') == 'muted') {
            return null

        state.savedVolume = device.currentValue('level')
        sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'muted')
        sendEvent(name:'level', value:0)

        return apiCommand("command=volume&val=0")

    // MusicPlayer.unmute
    def unmute() {
        //log.debug "unmute()"

        if (device.currentValue('mute') == 'muted') {
            return setLevel(state.savedVolume.toInteger())

        return null

    // SpeechSynthesis.speak
    def speak(text) {
        log.debug "line 292 speak(${text})"
        def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
        //def sound = textToSpeech(text, "Brian")
        return playTrack(sound.uri)

    // polling.poll 
    def poll() {
        //log.debug "poll()"
        return refresh()

    // refresh.refresh
    def refresh() {
        //log.debug "refresh()"

        if (!updateDNI()) {
                name:           'connection',
                value:          'disconnected',
                isStateChange:  true,
                displayed:      false

            return null

        // Restart polling task if it's not run for 5 minutes
        def elapsed = (now() - (state?.lastPoll ? state.lastPoll : (now()-301))) / 1000
        if (elapsed > 300) {
            log.warn "Restarting polling task..."

        return apiGetStatus()

    def enqueue(uri) {
        //log.debug "enqueue(${uri})"
        def command = "command=in_enqueue&input=" + URLEncoder.encode(uri, "UTF-8")
        return apiCommand(command)

    def seek(trackNumber) {
        //log.debug "seek(${trackNumber})"
        def command = "command=pl_play&id=${trackNumber}"
        return apiCommand(command, 500)

    def playTrackAndResume(uri, duration, volume = null) {
        //log.debug "playTrackAndResume(${uri}, ${duration}, ${volume})"

        // FIXME
        return playTrackAndRestore(uri, duration, volume)

    def playTrackAndRestore(uri, duration, volume = null) {
        //log.debug "playTrackAndRestore(${uri}, ${duration}, ${volume})"

        def currentStatus = device.currentValue('status')
        def currentVolume = device.currentValue('level')
        def currentMute = device.currentValue('mute')
        def actions = []
        if (currentStatus == 'playing') {
            actions << apiCommand("command=pl_stop")
            actions << delayHubAction(500)

        if (volume) {
            actions << setLevel(volume)
            actions << delayHubAction(500)
        } else if (currentMute == 'muted') {
            actions << unmute()
            actions << delayHubAction(500)

        def delay = (duration.toInteger() + 1) * 1000
        //log.debug "delay = ${delay}"

        actions << playTrack(uri)
        actions << delayHubAction(delay)
        actions << apiCommand("command=pl_stop")
        actions << delayHubAction(500)

        if (currentMute == 'muted') {
            actions << mute()
        } else if (volume) {
            actions << setLevel(currentVolume)

        actions << apiGetStatus()
        actions = actions.flatten()
        //log.debug "actions: ${actions}"

        return actions

    def playTextAndResume(text) {
        log.debug "playTextAndResume(${text}, ${volume})"
        def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
        //log.debug "line 393 sound = ${sound}"
        return playTrackAndResume(sound.uri, (sound.duration as Integer) + 1, volume)

    def playTextAndRestore(text, volume = null) {
        //log.debug "playTextAndRestore(${text}, ${volume})"
        def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
        return playTrackAndRestore(sound.uri, (sound.duration as Integer) + 1, volume)

    def playSoundAndTrack(uri, duration, trackData, volume = null) {
        //log.debug "playSoundAndTrack(${uri}, ${duration}, ${trackData}, ${volume})"

        // FIXME
        return playTrackAndRestore(uri, duration, volume)

    def testTTS() {
        //log.debug "testTTS()"
        def text = "VLC for Smart Things is brought to you by"
        return playTextAndResume(text)

    private startPollingTask() {
        //log.debug "startPollingTask()"


        Random rand = new Random(now())
        def seconds = rand.nextInt(60)
        def sched = "${seconds} 0/1 * * * ?"

        //log.debug "Scheduling polling task with \"${sched}\""
        schedule(sched, pollingTask)

    def apiGet(String path) {
        //log.debug "apiGet(${path})"

        if (!updateDNI()) {
            return null

        state.requestTime = now()
        state.responseTime = 0

        def headers = [
            HOST:       state.hostAddress,
            Accept:     "*/*"
        if (state.userAuth != null) {
            headers['Authorization'] = "Basic ${state.userAuth}"

        def httpRequest = [
            method:     'GET',
            path:       path,
            headers:    headers

        //log.debug "httpRequest: ${httpRequest}"
        return new hubitat.device.HubAction(httpRequest)

    private def delayHubAction(ms) {
        return new hubitat.device.HubAction("delay ${ms}")

    private apiGetStatus() {
        return apiGet("/requests/status.json")

    private apiCommand(command, refresh = 0) {
        //log.debug "apiCommand(${command})"

        def actions = [

        if (refresh) {
            actions << delayHubAction(refresh)
            actions << apiGetStatus()

        return actions

    private def apiGetPlaylists() {
        //log.debug "getPlaylists()"
        return apiGet("/requests/playlist.json")

    private parseHttpHeaders(String headers) {
        def lines = headers.readLines()
        def status = lines.remove(0).split()

        def result = [
            protocol:   status[0],
            status:     status[1].toInteger(),
            reason:     status[2]

        return result

    private def parseHttpResponse(Map data) {
        //log.debug "parseHttpResponse(${data})"

        state.updatedTime = now()
        if (!state.responseTime) {
            state.responseTime = now()

        def events = []

        if (data.containsKey('state')) {
            def vlcState = data.state
            //log.debug "VLC state: ${vlcState})"
            events << createEvent(name:"status", value:vlcState)
            if (vlcState == 'stopped') {
                events << createEvent([name:'trackDescription', value:''])

        if (data.containsKey('volume')) {
            //log.debug "VLC volume: ${data.volume})"
            def volume = ((data.volume.toInteger() * 100) / 512) as int
            events << createEvent(name:'level', value:volume)

        if (data.containsKey('information')) {
            parseTrackInfo(events, data.information)

        events << createEvent([
            name:           'connection',
            value:          'connected',
            isStateChange:  true,
            displayed:      false

        //log.debug "events: ${events}"
        return events

    private def parseTrackInfo(events, Map info) {
        //log.debug "parseTrackInfo(${events}, ${info})"

        if (info.containsKey('category') && info.category.containsKey('meta')) {
            def meta = info.category.meta
            //log.debug "Track info: ${meta})"
            if (meta.containsKey('filename')) {
                if (meta.filename.contains("//")) {
                    log.trace "Skipping event generation for sound file ${meta.filename}"

            def track = ""
            if (meta.containsKey('artist')) {
                track = "${meta.artist} - "
            if (meta.containsKey('title')) {
                track += meta.title
            } else if (meta.containsKey('filename')) {
                def parts = meta.filename.tokenize('/');
                track += parts.last()
            } else {
                track += '<untitled>'

            if (track != device.currentState('trackDescription')) {
                meta.station = track
                events << createEvent(name:'trackDescription', value:track, displayed:false)
               // events << createEvent(name:'trackData', value:meta.encodeAsJSON(), displayed:false)

    private def myTextToSpeech(text) {
        def sound = textToSpeech(text)
        log.debug "${text}"
        log.debug "${sound.uri}"
        sound.uri = sound.uri.replace('https:', 'http:')
        return sound

    private String createDNI(ipaddr, port) {
        //log.debug "createDNI(${ipaddr}, ${port})"

        def hexIp = ipaddr.tokenize('.').collect {
            String.format('%02X', it.toInteger())

        def hexPort = String.format('%04X', port.toInteger())
        return "${hexIp}:${hexPort}"

    private updateDNI() {
        if (!state.dni) {
    	    log.warn "DNI is not set! Please enter IP address and port in settings."
            return false
        if (state.dni != device.deviceNetworkId) {
    	    log.warn "Invalid DNI: ${device.deviceNetworkId}!"
            device.deviceNetworkId = state.dni

        return true

    private def title() {
        return "VLC Thing. Version 2.0.0 (12/22/2016). Copyright © 2014"

    private def STATE() {
        log.trace "state: ${state}"
        log.trace "deviceNetworkId: ${device.deviceNetworkId}"
        log.trace "status: ${device.currentValue('status')}"
        log.trace "level: ${device.currentValue('level')}"
        log.trace "mute: ${device.currentValue('mute')}"
        log.trace "trackDescription: ${device.currentValue('trackDescription')}"
        log.trace "connection: ${device.currentValue("connection")}"

How does one use this code? When I tried to paste it into the Apps Code, it gave me an error message:

"Cannot get property 'input' on null object on line 33"

What am I missing?

Well, it's a driver. So, try pasting it in the right place and it might work better.

1 Like

Okay, I thought it was an app. Thanks.

Edit: I pasted it as a new driver and get this error:

"Cannot invoke method currentValue() on null object"

Edit: Disregard. I scrolled down on the page and saw the later version that was posted. That one saved successfully.

I have had to delete VLC Thing. I found it was causing problems with my Hubitat. Specifically, it was interfering with the Thermostat Scheduler and thermostat changes for away, home, and night modes. I'm not sure why this would be the case, but since removing it, my thermostat has started updating again properly. Is this something that others have noticed?

Hi StephenH I don't have a thermostat but I'm using two VLC at the same time and so far no problems with them.. everything work perfect here.

1 Like

Never a problem with anything and VLC Thing. May be a coincidence. You will only know by re-installing only VLC Thing and testing though. :grimacing: