Experiencing a couple problems (related in my use case, but likely independent).
Issue 1:
Aeotec Wallmote joined to hub. Functions as expected, detects button presses and holds. When changing preferences: turn off Enable touch and Enable vibrate. Save. Then press configure. The device does not seem to take the new preferences.
Issue 2:
while ignoring beeping, using button controller button 1 is configured to set dimmers by mode. 100% day, 50% evening, 20% night. When button 1 is pressed logging shows:
Wallmote shows: button 1 pressed.
master bedroom lights shows:
dev:3272018-03-30 18:55:48.977:errorCould not find which method setLevel() to invoke from this list: public java.lang.Object lutronDimmer#setLevel(java.lang.Object) public java.lang.Object lutronDimmer#setLevel(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) on line null
lutron telnet shows:
when I setup a rule machine rule triggered off button 2 pressed and set dimmers through rule by mode it functions correctly. It appears the set level command in button controller varies from rule machines method.