The sensor reports 12 Lux in a small bathroom when roughly 2 foot away from a Philips Hue White A19 at 100%. Granted the bulb has a frosted done under it but, the room seems fairly bright. Motion (bonus), humidity (what I wanted it for), etc. seems fine only Lux seems wrong.
Seems OK to me. I have a Lamp 18" from an Aeotec MultiSensor6 - LED, 60w equivalence and it's reading 32. Everything else in my house is reading under 5, most are zero. Kitchen is 3 now.
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I'm going to re-check the Lux with the cover off the light to see if my sensor approached 32. I'll surmise that you had the sensor 18" away from the bare bulb. Thanks for the quick feedback.
Of course this just make the following tutorial confusing...
How to automate lights with Motion Lighting 2: Advanced Options
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