So after spending most of the afternoon and evening trying to get rid of a failed inclusion of this device, does anyone have any method that will work without giving me the same botched result.
If I need to add the device with security set to "none", do I still need to use the Z stick? I noticed since HE update, that now a prompt pops up asking me to click skip for no security. This worked fine earlier with a Fibaro device (Double Smart Module) and successfully added it without forcing me to use S0. So is that issue now fixed in the new firmware or must I still use the stick?
I followed the instructions in HE earlier - selecting the device manufacturer and model, but despite first doing a factory reset on the device and an exclude, it still included without being recognised or selecting a driver. Is there anyway I can make sure this works first time or should I set aside all of tomorrow to faff around with it. TIA
It only appeared in the Z Wave details page. There was nothing in devices - it didn't even show as "device" In the details it had an address and a route, showed security as "none" and had 1 neighbour. the discover button and refresh buttons did nothing.
This can sometimes happen if your device is having trouble “speaking” to the hub due to interference. Adding repeaters or pairing the device closer to the hub can help.
However, the first thing you will want to do is remove those devices that are showing in your Z-Wave details with no associated devices (ghost devices). These will cause major issues with the Z-Wave mesh.
With your device powered down, from the Z-Wave details screen, you can click on “refresh” until the “remove” button appears. You may need several (read Many) tries before it gets removed. Sometimes a shut down of the hub, pull power for 30-60 seconds and re-start of the hub helps.
I'm always confused about this. We get told to include the devices in situ and build the network starting at the hub and working away from it. Moving the device nearer to the hub seems to go against this advice. In my case I have plenty of devices acting as repeaters , some of which are within a few feet of the device I was attempting to add. Also if I'm using the Z stick to include (still not sure whether I need to continue using this to ensure security is set to "none"), my laptop with Z stick is adjacent the device at the time of inclusion.
Yes, I finally managed to remove them with PC controller app and Z stick. It took multiple attempts over several hours as the removal kept failing.
Yes I tried this many times - I could get the remove button to show but with the device powered down each time I clicked remove, the page just refreshed with the device still present. The hub power down made little difference.
So this device finally added successfully without further issue. I still cannot include anything using PC Controller and Z Stick anymore - it adds in PC Controller showing "failed security" and doesn't appear in HE, so subsequently has to be excluded.
In the end it worked using normal inclusion in Hubitat and included with security "none" as wanted. One strange thing was that an hour later when I was adding another different device; as soon as I clicked start inclusion, it tried to add the previously installed Aeotec device AGAIN. I cancelled it, as it was already added and working normally, but this happened several times, preventing me from adding the new device. In the end a reboot of the hub was needed to get it working normally again.
I’ve seen something like that happen when I had issues in the past. I also had devices re-add themselves to later find that I had set them up in SmartStart…
The device is not playing nicely! It's running at 9.6 Kbps and showing as having only 1 neighbour. The nearest device to it physically (not the neighbour it connects through), is in the same enclosure 4" away and has 23 neighbours. The house is now fairly well covered with devices, 37 in total, all Z Wave Plus, all but two with security set to None, the Garage Door and a device connected to the alarm system are on S2. I've only a couple of devices right on the edge of the property that don't have many neighbouring connections.
Out of curiosity, do you have Z-Wave devices that report power usage?
I have mostly Inovelli switches and they all do - I had to change their settings to minimize their power reporting as this was causing some mesh issues. Reducing this, along with ensuring that I didn’t have problematic devices and moving everything from S2 security to “none” helped a lot.
I do yes, but on most of the devices it turned the power monitoring off completely as it's not something I use. As it happens the device, an Aeotec Dual Nano Switch, is the only Aeotec device in my setup - 32 of the devices are Fibaro and the remaining 5 are Qubino.
Despite the speed etc the device responds to switching in about 20ms so it's not all bad. I'll maybe leave it a day or two and then exclude and re include it. The fact that it tried to add itself a second time makes me suspicious that it perhaps didn't include correctly.
Well this device is well and truly goosed IMHO. After seeing a comment on another thread regarding potential issues with devices on older firmware playing nice when there's S2 devices on the network; I had an epiphany. The device (which I picked up on eBay) was routing through an S2 enabled device (I wanted S2 on it, as it's my alarm system). On checking the firmware I found it was on practically original firmware. So I excluded it, updated the firmware to the latest with my Aeotec Z stick and re included it. Unfortunately it's no better - it just seems to not want to talk to any neighbouring devices. My device is being completely anti social, doing the Z Wave equivalent of social distancing! Never mind - that's one for the bin.
If I may recommend - before chucking it, you might want to touch base with Aeotec’s support team. I have been impressed with the support on their devices - they might be able to help!