Adding new devices

I figure I'm doing something wrong so thought I'd ask here. Example of my problem...I added 3 zooz switches to the front door area. I don't want to add them all at once because it's easier to name them one at a time. So I add the first and name it. The circle is still spinning on the add device page, but it will not find the second or third device without closing out the page and restarting the discovery. This is every time I add a device; I can never add a second right after. It occurs when I'm using the desktop or mobile browser. Am I doing something wrong or is this just how it is?

Yes, this is just how it is from my experience.

Just making sure I wasn't doing it the hard way. Thanks

I think Zigbee can discover multiple devices on the same page, as well as "rediscover" them en masse when resetting. I do this frequently.