Adding devices on a /21 network?

Unless you are ok with it, you might want to edit out your ip space as your personal details are available via arin.

On my point I want to avoid static addresses, hence the desire for MAC addresses. Using the /lights/all https request would seem simplest. You'd need an authorization token but otherwise looks simple and then use the JSON support to parse it.

It is all discoverable but out of an abundance of caution I'll make it a tad less easy to find all the info.

Mine too for xAP protocol support.. it relegated HE to a secondary controller role.

Any progress on this Hubitat ?

BTW, once you have setAddress (and setMac) I suspect I can just create a virtual device and fill in the fields manually.

And I just discovered that getMACFromIP doesn't work the first time round, ie with a freshly created instance of the LIFX Master app, so it looks as though it needs to build a cache of IP->MAC addresses somehow :frowning:

Have you learned more about getMACFormIP? Does it really have a /24 assumption built-in?

In the meantime, I'm learning more about the challenges of MAC==>IP which seems to require a cooperating DHCP server.

No idea about the /24 assumption.

I just ran through all the IP addresses on a /24 network and almost all of them returned null as the MAC address - it looks like the ones that had MAC addresses are all computers/tablets/hubs or access points that have communicated with the hub I was running the code on. In my previous testing I think it included all the LIFX devices that I'd previously discovered.

So getMACFromIP is useless when it comes to discovery, which is a shame.

This is why I use Ubiquiti now -- it tracks all of the information. But Habitat does need to allow full use of discovery protocols if it is to be a full participant in connected devices.