Adding a time range for an open contact sensor rule


I am trying to create a new rule using rule machine that detects when one of my contact sensors is open and if it has been open for 5 minutes, it will check the thermostat to see if it's mode is active (heat, cool, auto). If so, it will send me a text.

I think I have everything I need except the check to see if it has been open for 5 minutes. Anyone know where this would be in the rules to add it? I am using a conditional rule. Thanks!

You need to take the action based on the window being open or the thermostat being set with a delay that will cancel on the opposite condition.

Thanks. I understand your logic but I am not sure where to implement that. Is there an example somewhere to follow?

Yup...there's the main Rule 4.0 thread which has a lot of examples:

Or you can go to and read up on Rule Machine and how it works. Or you can search the forum here. There are a bunch of people asking for help with the exact same situation.

Ok, this is what I came up with. Look correct?

Can you give me a link to the example that you looked at that got you here? I'll make sure it's pulled because you're way off. Take a look at some of the examples. There are a ton.

Well, I'm not claiming to be an expert. This is my first RM 4 rule. I initially watched a Youtube video on setting up a rule that didn't include anything that cancelled after 5 minutes - just a straight rule. I then looked at the forum you listed and after reading about 100 posts (out of 1172), I started to glaze over and decided to just take a crack at it.

What parts are way off? The whole thing? It seemed to make sense to me.

Triggered on a contact sensor...
If the thermostat modes are set to any of the listed modes, send a text after 5 minutes.

This has been covered in so many threads already..... if you just took the time to actually look.

First, your triggers need to be on the contact sensor changing, not just opening.

Second, you need to have the contact sensor be part of the conditions

Third, you have to have a cancel in the rule, otherwise, it won't cancel.

So, something like this:

Triggers: Contact sensor chaning


If contact sensor OPEN and Thermo in heat mode THEN
      Delay actions by 5 mins (cancel-able)
      Send notification
      Cancel Delayed Actions

I would recommend that you take the time to read through the thread on Rule Machine. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches by learning from all the mistakes we've already made.

How about i give you a recommendation. When someone asks for help, you don't need to be a jerk about it and you just give help. Why post if you are just going to say "go look at the forums".

What makes you think I haven't already looked? You don't know what I have and haven't looked at - you just assume. No thanks for the help. You don't need to post anymore if I ask questions.

Yes, that was after looking at different google searches and forums on the topic. I didn't realize I had to list every single place that I looked.

But way to encourage people who are trying to learn the system.

And no, I didn't see anyone else jumping in to help me, which is why I was initially very appreciative of your help. For someone who tinkers with this occasionally and just wants to quickly set up a rule, why all of the fuss? If you have the answer, why not post instead of making me read an 1100+ post forum just find the answer when your last post would have pointed me in the right direction?

But whatever, no big deal, I'll stay off your forums. :zipper_mouth_face: