Add "Notes" field to devices

App just stores the note in the device information. Once stored the app can move on to the next device and store different information. Think of it as a notepad app for device data, it opens the device data area, stores the data, and closes the device data area.


gotcha - thanks

This is a slick and handy app. Thanks bear.

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Wow, this is really amazing. We've been asking for device notes for years
Thank You


I've seen the request off and on, but yesterday it just suddenly dawned on me how easy this was to implement.


Back up that info, though. If the device is excluded or replaced, seems like the notes will be lost. Perhaps the app could retain a database of all the notes it has created so that replacement devices could have the notes restored.

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if I am trying to add notes on different devices, do I just write over what's there?

I now want to add notes to some sonoff temperature sensor (and try that link suggestion from a different thread) , but I don't see where I create a new note for new devices.