Actualizar better laundry

Hola chicos, no me deja actualizar better laundry monitor, me da un error desde HPM, algún solución??

¿Cuál es el error?

Ahora no se porque no me sale para actualizar, pero según vi, han añadido un botón para reiniciar, y algunas cosas más, aquí dejo una foto por si sirve

¿Has probado la opcion "Repair" (reparar) en HPM? Esta función inicia una descarga nueva del app (o driver) y lo reinstalará. También se puede desinstalar y reinstalar HPM y hacer un "Match Up" después (para buscar, otra vez, los apps y drivers en el hub que están disponibles en HPM), aunque me parece una opción extrema para un problema (posiblemente) pequeño. Si esto es más qué quieres hacer para sólo esto, se puede instalar/actualizar el app manualmente con los archivos aquí: GitHub - HubitatCommunity/Hubitat-BetterLaundryMonitor

where do I update, in app code? delete the driver I have and update with this?

I have installed the app from hpm and it does not appear in apps, I configure everything and the app does not appear

I see you are also asking for help for the same problem in another thread:

If you do want to post the same thing in multiple places, I would suggest linking back to the same post to encourage discussion/help in a single place. I think that is easiest for everybody--otherwise, you get ideas scattered around various threads, like there is now. So...I guess this is me linking back to that thread now for anyone else who sees this. :smiley:

As for the question on how to update: I don't use this app myself, but the code looks like an app. So, yes, you should see it in "Apps Code." Also, because it's not clear if this is what you expect: simply adding something to Apps Code does not install an instance of the app on your hub. You need to go to Apps > Add User App to actually use/install the app (similar to what you need to do when using a built-in app, except it's a different button...and you need to add the code first).

I'm not sure why HPM isn't working for this, but the ideas I mentioned above are still what I'd suggest if you want to use HPM. Otherwise, manually updating might work around the problem and shouldn't be too difficult.

Good luck!

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