Access / utilise device data details

is there a way to access the device details - Data - deviceID

ive tried ${device.deviceId} but that not the id number i was looking for

Depends on what exactly you are looking for... But try ${device.deviceNetworkId}

I'm after the value '4' from the screen shot, its like the model number

Like the manufacturer Id number

Long version, I have a driver for two different trv, one reports temperature and the other doesn't. So using the model type, "deviceId" above, it handles it differently

What you are looking for is

getDataValue and even updateDataValue

I only recently started using that stuff.

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ending up calling this from configure

then storng it

    def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd) {
    	if (cmd.manufacturerName) {
    		updateDataValue("manufacturer", cmd.manufacturerName)
    	if (cmd.productTypeId) {
    		updateDataValue("productTypeId", cmd.productTypeId.toString())
    	if (cmd.productId) {
    		updateDataValue("productId", cmd.productId.toString())

and using it

if (state.productId != "4") {