I'm wondering if it's possible to display values from an App on a dashboard or if the dashboard can only display values from devices. From what I have seen the tiles I add to a dashboard force me to select a device then I can select an attribute of that device.
Basically I'm wanting to be able to display the status of the app in the dashboard. We have an issue that a user will partially configure our app and never click the done button, or they click the done button but don't recognize that it outlined required properties in red so they just leave the app configuration. When that happens the initialize routine is never run so the app isn't really working. If they reboot the HE then the initialize runs but may error out because the configuration wasn't valid.
My hope was to set some variables in the App to indicate that the initialization had completed or that the configuration was verified as well as one to indicate if communication to the server had failed. Then I could put a tile in the Dashboard to show system status as invalid or to indicate communication failures.
I can envision how I could do this by writing a driver, recreate a virtual device then have the App code invoke methods on the device so a tile could reference those properties. That seemed like extra complication and I want to make sure that complication is needed before I introduce another driver and virtual device into the configuration.
I've been playing with HTTP Presence Sensor to detect connectivity with the server and it's great but it won't tell me if the server returns an error status when I send data to it, it will only tell me that the HE can talk to the server. That's valuable information but I was hoping to take it one step further.
Thanks in advance.