A Z-Wave Mesh Tool [C7+ Only]

Hey Tony, I've got the new version (2025-01-30) loaded on 4 hubs. For reasons that I cannot get my arms around, it works on 1 hub, but doesn't on the other 3. All 4 hubs have login security enabled, and all have HTTPS enabled with similar certificates. I've tried resetting, etc. I've tried multiple browsers, with HTTPS and HTTP only. I haven't had time to dig into the code though.

The ones that fail all look like this:

Any quick thoughts? TIA.

What browser are you using? This is Chrome on the iPad

Safari and Chrome on macOS are both working normally for me too.

@dennypage This isn't one that I have seen before. Is there anything in the logs?

If you can open developer tools and PM me a screenshot of the javascript console, i could probably narrow it down.

Thx Tony. Nothing in the logs. I’ll see about getting JavaScript console.

@tony.fleisher, I have a feature request. I'd like to be able to turn the filters completely off. I've tried dragging all of them to the hidden list, but they keep coming back. Thanks!


Same here, I can remove all but one and it sticks but if you remove them all and then refresh the page they come back. I already have the "Save Table State" option enabled as well. I honestly find those filters annoying most of the time, I only use them on occasion.

Config still shows all hidden but they are displaying
