I'm getting my Christmas lights ready, using 10 zig plugs and one z-wave switch.
In testing them with a switch, I find that a lot of times 1, 2, or 3 plugs won't switch along with the rest, with a short delay, like a second or two, before they switch. Sometimes they all switch at the same time.
I'm not complaining, because they all switch, but is this by design?
Do you have all of them in a group? If not, try that.
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First time using groups.
Didn't work at all.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
edit: Got it working.
About the same. Going to leave as-is.
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I suspect the delay is just the time required for a clear signal to get to the switches. If you enable metering on the group, they should in theory come on one after the other in sequence.
I would enable zigbee group messaging, that at least will manage all the zigbee outlets with a single command, and you won't need to enable metering...