A difference in generic driver

For a number of devices I use the Generic driver. My motion devices are about 3-4 different vendors but what is unique is the 'update firmware' option. These drivers are 'built-in' or at least show up under 'system' in the drop down pick list.
In my 'Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor (No Temp)' is a button on the device page for 'Update Firmware'. It actually works, at least for a few of my devices and I totally understand why that is - or at least I think I do.
In 'Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor and Generic Zigbee Motion/Humidity Sensor' which I consider similar drivers, the extra button for Update Firmware doesn't exist.
I switch the the driver to the no-temp version, then run the update, then put it back every once in a while - maybe twice a year I sweep. It does work, (and I'm not even clear why it works, cauz I think it shouldn't) but for very few devices.

The Ask: It would be useful to have an Update Firmware button in the Generic Zigbee drivers for both consistency and function. No need to lecture me that 'not all devices have firmware updates' etc etc. If there is no driver, just set a trace into the log 'no driver currently available'. I always feel like Zigbee is a 2nd class citizen, and Zwave is a favored child.

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We can add that command to other generic drivers