Wow... this is an incredibly difficult one, because ALL of the developers mentioned so far have done such an amazing job (and I've used many of these apps).
I would like to put in an honourable mention to one app that I would not be able to do without.
I use this app in every system, and it's critical because it allows my systems to do email notifications.
This is from @ ritchierich
and the program is his Gmail/Google Calendar program.
Thank you!
In no order of preference... @jpage4500 for HD+ - astounding. @garyjmilne for Tile Builder and zigbee work. Cant operate my world without his tools. @lpakula for Owntracks - the only real solution to to presence with my mobile. @kkossev amazing work to bring a real solution to an important hardware vendor @thebearmay a dev with tremendous responsiveness and seriously needed tools to fill big holes in my HE.
Sending coffee just doesn't really cut it ! Kudo's gents.
All great apps, but I'd add my vote to @dandanache for the IKEA drivers. Honerable mentions to @garyjmilne for the Tasmota Sync. I've recently started using the power monitoring plug from Local Bytes and it works great.