2 of my Basic rules stopped working

Recently I have noticed that 2 devices that I have basic rules for have stopped working. I have a C-8 and keep the firmware updated and is currently on .143. Both use a Leviton Z-wave plug. One is a hot water recirculation pump that comes on at 0700 and turns off at 2000. I noticed it was running when it should have been off. I can easily turn these on/off with the dashboard as there is no delay so the reception is great. I've had these set up for a couple of years with no issues. The other is a bug zapper in the garage. Same thing where if off, it won't turn on at a specific time of day and also if on, it won't turn off. I have deleted the basic rules for these two devices and reestablished new basic rules, however, they still won't cycle on/off with the new basic rules. Maybe something has changed in the basic rules with the updates, I don't know. Any ideas, I'm lost since the radio reception isn't an issue.


@legends08 This is a known issue. Should be fixed in next release.


Great news, thank you.


hope its fixed soon i've got lights that have been on for days now!

I know, sorry for the inconvenience. You could do one of the following to resolve the problem now:

  • revert to previous version from the Diagnostic Tool.
  • install the beta update.
  • convert the basic rules into Rule Machine rules
  • hang tight until the current beta update is released to public, which shouldn't be long.

Thanks @bobbyD just managed to downgrade and all is working now...... I should have spent some time on this when it first happened, life is busy! haha

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Right on time to upgrade :crazy_face: The release with the fix is now public: