- Hue bridge integration - How to correctly remove Hue devices from HE?

@bertabcd1234 I thought I'd ask first before going ahead and manually start removing Hue devices from the device page as I cannot see a way of removing added devices from the integration app. I also checked the documentation and it didn't mention removing devices.

With the V2 API enabled, does the integration subscribe to all events on the Hue bridge, or does it only subscribe to the events concerning the devices that have been added to HE?

If it is the former, then I presume that I can just remove an added device by going to the device page and use the remove button? It won't affect what events the integration is subscribed to.

But if it's the latter, then I presume I shouldn't just remove the device from the device page, since that wouldn't remove the event subscription for the device from the integration? Or does it?

Yes, you can just remove the device using the regular remove button on the device detail page.

Obligatory "it does". :slight_smile:

There is no way in the API to just subscribe to specific events -- it's either the entire eventstream or nothing (or polling, which can be done in combination with either but doesn't originate from the bridge so it's a bit different).


Excellent. Thank you!

Now that you provided the screenshot I also found it. I skipped that section as it was the "Adding Hue devices to Hubitat" section. I was looking for sections with "remove devices" as part of the name. Should have just used the search function :upside_down_face: