Thank you -- has that (this related topical info specifically) always been there?
Man, I looked at that section yesterday and maybe I just whiffed right past that particular info even though I was looking for it -- wouldn't be the first time I've done that
Similarly, when combined with a required expression, the evaluation of the required expression at the moment of the initial event (e.g., "front door opens," not after the "and stays" duration) determines whether the rule may eventually trigger.
That's not totally in line with what I observe - see my other post above
In that test rule the trigger did initiate the "Stays" (the required expression evaluated to true then), but the rule actions were not executed after the "Stays" was over, instead the rule logged "Not triggered due to Required Expression false". It seems to me the required expression must be true both at the beginning and the end of the "Stays" period.
That was not clear to me from @bravenel's explanation above (if that was part of it), but it does appear to be the behavior. Documenting as-is; if that's not intentional, maybe something to look at.
To close the loop - I just re-created a rule to try to reproduce the issue. The rule responded as expected. That said, we had some great discussions on how this functionality work (gets evaluated)! I learned something new.
if I will remember this at some point in the future when I need it
if other occasional hood lifters will spin their wheels for a day before realizing it
if there is ever enough highlighting of this kinda stuff in obvious Helpful Hint ways that blatantly recognizes THIS MAY CATCH YOU UP IF YOU AREN'T AWARE OF IT