- Drag and drop not working for me

You’re not even getting any drag? (Dropping is very finicky, and you need to be right on spot). Also make sure you have more rows and columns specified than you need.

This looks promising though and it will probably save a bunch of time. I had just cleared an afternoon on my calendar next week to add a new device that starts with “A” to one of my legacy dashboards. :no_mouth:


yes no drag.. i also created a new test dashboard to see if that is the issue. and also tried on a second hub.. no drag in chrome on either of my c7 and c8 pro on the .142 release..

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Well that’s a drag.

Odd. I’ll do some more testing tomorrow to see if I can replicate your issue. Here are my working options if you want to compare.


tried your settings in my test db no difference..on chrome latest windows 10 pro..

got it working not sure what it was.. worked on a different machine.. rebooted.. cleared chrome cache again.. and brought up db again..

also works on my older dashes even those with smartly enabled.

your also correct... it doesnt work from cloud links.. would be nice if that could be figured out!


I figured drag/drop for dynamic cell width/height, to be included into the next build.
Cloud drag and drop to follow, most likely in the build after next one. Need to test it properly.



Any ideas yet on why some of us can't drag tiles in some cases?

And sometimes the results are really wild. It's very unstable but definately a positive step. I have stopped using my "good" dashboards for testing and am only using testing dashboards to see how things are working.

Not quite. Could be related to the dynamic width/height, but I couldn't reproduce one way or another. One step at a time.


Sage advice.

I'm actually sitting down so I think I'll do one sit at a time. :wink:


Updated to 143. Had to clear cache for drag and drop to work using Edge, worked straight away on Chrome. Great addition to the legacy dashboard.

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I'm finding I can't drag tiles below the third row in a dashboard w/only two tiles (dashboard is set to five rows). Can you freely drag tiles down past the third row in a dashboard?

Just checked 2 and >2 tiles, 5 rows, I could move the tiles freely to any position on the grid.

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Okay thanks, so something on my end.

I'm on Win 11 Chrome. You?

working on win 11, both chrome and edge

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