Zigbee Stack Selection removed? C8 currently on old stack

Probably a query for @gopher.ny

Regarding the latest update:

Platform Changes

  • Added a separate migration workflow in Get Started screen.
  • Removed Zigbee stack selection endpoint.

When I checked my C8 2 days ago, it is currently running the old Zigbee stack. If that endpoint is removed, will .121 automatically update my stack to the latest as part of that firmware update?

Or do I need to call the endpoint and select the new stack prior to updating. I'm currently on Thanks.

My understanding is that it will force the hub to use the correct version.


For some definition of β€œcorrect”.

@gopher.ny said in another thread that it would point C-8s to the new stack and older hubs to the standard stack automatically.


That. There is no option to switch between the stacks any more, and stacks will be selected based on what hub it is.


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