[ C7] Schlage Keypad Unlock-Code not always received

I have a Schlage Keypad lock that, while it generally works, it sometimes doesn't seem to send the "unlock code" so the "lock code entered" event isn't being triggered when it's unlocked--although, the lock shows it was "unlocked" by the keypad.

Not sure how or why this might be happening.

It's showing 95% battery (which I only marginally trust-but the lock is working).

This screws up my ability to detect who is coming in the door.

Sporadic issues are invariably mesh related.

If it has enough juice to turn the deadbolt motor, it has enough power to send a z-wave transmission. But other factors can prevent that message from being received by the hub.

It's sending the "unlocked" event. Not the keycode, though.

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Got it!

Have you tried a full power cycle?

Meh- I kinda hate my BE469ZP too. You could try the app below. Unfortunately these locks on both HE & ST have many complaints. Odd as it is, my non-plus BE469 was more reliable. I'll likely switch to Zigbee with a Kwikset

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I guess, sometime when I have a thousand or so extra dollars I can't spend any other way...

Good smart locks are super expensive and all 4 need to match.

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This isn't a particularly new issue and the hub has been powered off at times.

Given the symptoms, it's almost certainly a driver or device issue as much as anything.

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Just out of curiosity, does logs catch the keycode, or are the logs the same as events where the "unlocked by _____" is missing? Do debug logs show anything different?

I have a couple of the older non-plus versions of these, but it is too late tonight to start testing lock codes and waking up the dogs in the process.


When it was being contrary, it showed that it was unlocked by the keypad--but without the keycode.

Unfortunately, this works well--until it doesn't. And, the driver automatically disables debug logging after about 20 min, so no good way to see the debug logs when it's being grouchy.

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Wonder if putting a beaming repeater near it would help. Also what driver are you using?


Schlage BE468/BE469 Lock.

As for location... it has chosen a direct route to the hub at 40Kbps at the moment but it seems to not make up its mind well. It appears that ALL of my locks show high numbers of "route changes", btw.

PER: 0, RTT Avg: 127ms, LWR RSSI: 22dB
Neighbors: 65, Route Changes: 38

There are a large number of viable repeating devices near the lock (3+ within about 3 feet) that it could use if it desired.

Given the amount of route changes I would put a beaming repeater in as close as possibe (I recommend the Ring v2 extenders) then do a node repair on the lock. That should kick it to that repeater.

I have Ring v2 extenders around my house.

They never seem to be used by any of the devices--many go direct to the hub, some bounce around through any number of other repeating devices. I have a ton of powered devices that act as repeaters covering every room and then some.

Put one as close as you can to the lock. Make sure it's paired WITH encryption (they seem to have an issue when paired without). Pair it in place. Then do a repair on the lock node in z-wave details. If that doesn't work, re pair the lock...

As always.

The repair process made it go through a different repeater than the Ring one that is like 4 feet away.

I've messed with repeaters of various sorts MANY times. NEVER have I had a device actually route through one of them. They always pick one of my dozens of other powered, repeating devices.

Although the later firmware versions seem more inclined to do "direct" routes to the hubs, there are still some that take really insane routes (I have seen them chose a device that is almost on the direct opposite side of the hub for a route--one that requires the signal to pretty much pass right by the hub and go through extra walls. smh)

But, I guess I can leave the range extender there for a while and see what happens.

Even with my repeater 4 feet away, it didn't get the code sent again today.

Nothing new, really--but it's clear that the repeater didn't fix anything (and, as always, it's never actually used in any routes). Indeed, the lock chose to go through a device in the far corner of my basement (with a route to the hub that is about as far as possible in my house).

I'm still suspicious of some Z-Wave glitches with the firmware, etc. that are causing some messages to the hub to be "lost" so devices then hunt out ridiculous routes to try to get to the hub. I don't have as many as a year or so ago, but I still show several devices with circuitous routes. I'm in a small enough house that everything should be in direct reach and, at most, one hop should be needed. There aren't any ghost devices either.

Yeah that is a problem as far as routing goes. One option is to re pair the lock and see if you can force it through the repeater.

I have made a comment to your original post. If you have any further feedback, consider adding it to your initial post here: Schlage BE469 Woes - #42 by bobbyD

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