[] [C7] very unusual new error

This is listed under Hub as device. The IP address is our main wall mounted tablet used to display dashboards. It still is functioning and able to control things but the error keeps popping up every 30 seconds or so.

The specific data changes slightly....

What are you using for dashboard displays? The Hubitat app or something else?

Fully Kiosk Browser with the local dashboard link. Been that way for literally years.

You might want to obscure your mac / ip address in the screenshot... or actually, I think they are something different, but I expect it is an identifier of some kind...


It's the IP address converted to hex.


I was wondering what they are but I felt that local IP was not a risk and other info may be relevant.

Yeah...so something on the tablet is sending data to your HE. Are you using the controller app?

Yeah, probably safe enough I guess....

In terms of what that message is.... HE has a specific port that devices can send unsolicited data to, i.e. unlike you requesting a web page where you send a request and data is returned, in these cases the device sends HE data without it requesting it. An example, from my setup, is my EcoWitt weather station sending data every 60 seconds to my HE hub. When HE receives the data, it tries to find a device with a device network id that matches the IP address and calls a specific part of the driver, passing it the data that was received, assuming the driver will know what to do with it. Means us dev's don't need to do some of the setup.

When HE can't find a device, that is when you see that message in the logs.

Update: I just checked again and they seem to have just randomly stopped. VERY odd.

Could the IP address on your tablet have changed?

I have it set to fixed.

Then that is strange. The only other explanation would be some kind of change to the DNI for the device that is setup to receive it, or some issue in HE finding it...

Does that 32Cxxxxxxxxx portion seem like a DNI to you? I have that IP with a different DNI under a Fully Kiosk Browser Controller device type.

Yes. With my EcoWitt, I'm pretty sure that is what gets stored as the DNI, i.e. the conversion of your IP address into Hex, like @FriedCheese2006 explained.

So it looks like HE got info from the tablet and didn't find it because the IP DNI combo didn't sit well. And then suddenly it just randomly cleared up?

Just checking logs again and it still hasn't happened again.

32C... Is the MAC address of the sending device.

c0a8145f is in hex.

That error is indicating that a message came from a device with that MAC address from that IP, and the hub didn't know which virtual device to send it to.

It could be that the DNI of the target device was the IP address and it had changed (not likely based on your comments on using static IP). Or it could be that the DNI of the target device was the MAC and it had changed (very unlikely).

My guess is something was wrong with the driver not being loaded or the incoming message handling at the hub level failed for some reason. Could be hub bug or just random hiccup.

Maybe support could get some additional insight from the backend logs.


I've just updated my hubs from 121 -> 122, so will keep an eye out if I see anything similar in the logs...


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