[ C7] Scenes and Zooz RGBW Dimmer

I was going out of my mind--when I'd activate a scene, it would set the devices, everything would look like it matched in the UI, but the scene would stay "Not Set". (I'd see the scene show that it was activated in the logs--and it would immediately log that it was "not set" upon sending the commands to the devices).

I was using "Groups" to combine some lights--and that hid the issue.

When I went with the individual devices, I see that the Zooz RGBW it reporting back a value of "80.03" when it is set to 80. Since the scene only allows integers, it looks like it matches sorta--but the 80.03 doesn't match the 80 saved for the scene--so it never shows activated.


I suspect this may be a driver issue--where the 80.03 needs to be rounded to the nearest integer??

@bcopeland - Thoughts?

This is the built-in driver, btw

@mike.maxwell On another "scene/driver" post, you mentioned making a tweak to fix an odd situation.

Is there any chance the Zooz RGBW Dimmer driver could also be tweaked to make sure the RGB parms (Hue/Saturation/Level) were all "whole" numbers? They seem to return decimal numbers and they never align with the exact scene values (which ARE apparently whole numbers).

E.g., As noted above, setting Hue=80 results in "Hue=80.03" and, thus, the scene never sets.


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Next build will round this value


@mike.maxwell @bcopeland

It also appears (at least) the saturation value is a decimal number:


What?!?!?… I did a round on that too

Oh wait.. Did you update to yet?

Yep...which is why I was checking. :slight_smile:

Ugh.. Ok.. I’ll check it out

My scene with those in it isn't "setting"--so I was digging back into it. thx!!
