2.2.5 Update History details

Maybe I'm missing something, but 2.2.5 has been posting almost daily updates, now up to ver .131.

The update log file is only easily available when a new update is available, and It doesn't seem to track the minor version updates, only the major changes. If minor version updates are available, then they aren't clearly labeled in the log file.

I also don't see a forum topic that tracks the minor version changes, only misc topics when errors/challenges are encountered.

It would be nice to have persistent links to the version change-log from inside the settings (either hub details or check for update), and clear notes with what has been changed with each minor version update (.129 .130 .131, etc). Alternately a persistent community forum topic with the latest version information and update details would suffice.

If I'm just missing it - steer me in the right direction! Short of just downloading the latest update and assuming it's better, I'd like to be able to assess if it's something I need, or just fixing a small detail for a specific device/etc.

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Here is forum topic

EDIT:. If you select Watching for News and Updates --> Announcements, you should be notified of every update.

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Thanks! News and updates was buried under my categories list and I was missing it. Still would be nice to be able to link/pull down the latest change log from within the settings. At any time that is - not just when a new update is available.

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