1989's vision of 2020

Not too far off...


Yep. Pretty close! What will 2050 hold?

I don't know what it will hold, but here are my guesses:

Home automation will extend in big way to the kitchen (for convenience and safety). For eg. sensor driven microwaves or convection ovens.

Automated lighting will be the norm. Occupancy detection will be much improved (maybe built into mesh WiFi systems).

With our aging population, there will be devices that protect against the effects of memory loss.

New construction homes will have something like a Tesla powerwall and some form of energy generation - probably solar roofing tiles.

Decreased automobile ownership driven by taxi fleets of self-driving vehicles.

Would LOVE to see the no outlets part. Sticking a device anywhere on the wall and having power would be awesome!

Might make it tough to hang a picture though. :sunglasses:

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How about not even having to stick the device to the wall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv1CvRy-YBQ

Long way from 110v or 220v but it's a start!

(Rumor has it that Tesla was murdered over this wireless power technology! :sunglasses: )

I need this now!


I also do believe that health related technology will be much more incorporated in homes. With the growing elderly population, the health care system will more and more look for ways to keep elderly in their homes as long as possible. This broblem is very real today, since the governments do not have the money to both pay out all the promissed pentions and at the same time build enough care homes (Specially in Norway)
This I think will be:
Off site health personell follow up
Medicine dispensers that log everything into a medical journal
Auto off appliances
All kinds of sensors/tracking to see if a dement person wanders off
Full precense sensoring in every room (even the level in the room where the person is (floor/bed/bathroom floor, aso)
Automatic fire distinguishing that will not drown or kill you while in the room (mist)
More cameras and interaction with auto reminders and family connection.
Robot assisted care services
I have seen a lot of this already, but this will be better and much more user friendly and affordable in the future.
Will we see cold fusion for energy?
Will we see deserts being used for food production, with oil used to make the soil usable?
Global powergrid, based on battery stored energy, charged by the sun, 24/7? (Always sun somewhere)
More plant based food, less meat
Increase of sea farming with huge off shore plants
More wind generated electricity in the far north and south windy parts of the globe.
Wireless free energy based on comercials(see below)
Free internet to everyone, financed by tracking data (since you are the selling product)
And, byt the way, I think Musk will get us to Mars pretty soon, and that will be the big game changer. Multi planetary species!