(.148) Rule Errors... Hub Mesh?

Since updating to .148 and implementing a 2-hub strategy, I've noticed a couple of issues where rules running on my C5 hub don't like one particular device that is linked from my C7 hub. (Both involve RM 4.0 rules. Simple Automation (both 1.0 and 1.1) rules seem to be unaffected.) Perhaps @bravenel can help? Thanks!

This rule errors out when the device linked by hub mesh satisfies the condition:

I have rebuilt the rule fresh, thinking that I had perhaps corrupted the original, but I receive the same error message after the rebuild.

A different rule just stops-with no errors- when it should continue and execute an action. (Below the red line is what is really happening. Above the red line -the first line in particular- is the action that is just dropped. This is the result of a forced, manual "Run Actions" within the rule.)

Any ideas on what may be happening, or any additional information needed to diagnose?

I need to see the rule that throws the error.

Thanks, Bruce!
I should perhaps also note that the other triggers and waits perform as expected.

And the 'deep' stuff, if that helps:

Hub mesh is likely a source of the issue, yes. should be better at this - all device states/data/preferences are stored locally now, and there's always a "last known good" value. Just don't use Tasmota driver with hub mesh, at least for the time being. If you don't know what it is, you don't need to worry about it.

Thanks! I'll move to .153 and see what happens. :slight_smile: