1 Z-Wave light just won't go off

I've got all my outdoor garage lights (Z-Wave) on a single group.

At Sunrise, I turn that group off.
3 of the lights go off. 1 does not. I can re-run the rule 2-3 times and eventually it will go back off. Sometimes though, it comes back on.

Is there a way in a rule to do a loop?
do light is on
turn light off
wait 10 seconds

I can't seem to figure anything out.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Have you run a zwave repair?

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It did not help. :frowning:


Just in case itโ€™s not a โ€˜meshโ€™ issue does the troublesome lamp turn off immediately when switched from the Devices page ??

Yes. reliably. If I manually switch it off via the hubitat devices interface, it goes off every time.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

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are you using the native group lighting app for this?

Iโ€™m certainly no expert With RM or Private Boolean but Iโ€™d be looking into using PB to do what I think your asking.
You should be able to have a rule set a PB, only when all the lights are On and then check the state of the PB.
You nest rules BUT Iโ€™d be very wary about using loops as they can bring your HE to itโ€™s knees.
Two other things:

  1. have you tried deleting the App or Rule your using and starting afresh ? This has worked for me in the past. Cleaning up my stuff ups.
  2. What make and model are your lamps ?

I am not familiar with Private Boolean. Got a link?

Cheers! :slight_smile:

I did finally get around to doing this last night and for the first time in a long time the light went off this morning. So it MAY be fixed. but it may not. Dunno yet. But all signs are positive. :slight_smile:

These lights are a model that are not recognized by hubitat. (Honestly, I forget the make and model) I have them set as Z-Wave Generic Dimmers. I've got 5 of them and they all work fine except in this one rule.

Thanks for your help!

Cheers! :slight_smile:

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Did not solve the probelm.

I THINK that problem is that MAYBE the bulb is hooked to 2 Z-Wave controllers. The bulb goes off when the rule runs, but then comes back on at some point.

I do have an old openhab controller that I need to shut down. I'll do that and see if that solves the problem.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

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yeah, it's no good having more than 1 master. :slight_smile:

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Yup. that did it. Apparently the old OpenHab system was still attached the the light.

Now everything it working fine.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

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