Built-in Apps HTTP errors

After the upgrade, my logs are full of errors from the Amazon Echo Skill:

errorgroovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: Bad Request (deviceHandler)

Yes mine too. Don’t remove the skill because then I couldn’t add it back.

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I'm seeing these as well.

We will see if we can get this sorted out today.


It appears IFTTT is broken with this update as well. Anyway to rollback to the previous version?

You can save backups manually, or the hub stores a few. I think it’s as simple as restoring to a point before the firmware upgrade.

I haven’t tried it yet.

The normal backups are for the Hubitat's internal database, not the firmware. So, your configuration, apps, devices, custom code, etc... are all stored in the backups.

@toby - If you really need to restore to the previous firmware, please contact support@hubitat.com and I'm sure @bobbyD will take very good care of you.

Seeing that a lot of the built-in apps that I leverage are broken, and I just moved from SamsungThings for this exact reason... I would like to get it fixed :yum:

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And add PushOver to the list as well. Basically any of the built-in apps that use HTTP calls appears broken.

Pushover errors

dev:7492018-08-02 11:23:25.538:errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.getResponse() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] Possible solutions: getMessage() (deviceNotification)

dev:7492018-08-02 11:23:25.251:infoSending Message: [Locking: Garage Entry Lock] Priority: [0] to [All Devices]

dev:7492018-08-02 11:22:48.294:errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.getResponse() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] Possible solutions: getMessage() (deviceNotification)

dev:7492018-08-02 11:22:48.196:errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.getResponse() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] Possible solutions: getMessage() (deviceNotification)

ah, didn't realize that. thanks for clarifying.

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@toby , @cuboy29

Not sure if you two are using the native Hubitat Pushover Driver, or my custom one that existed prior to Hubitat including it into the firmware. If you're on a custom version, you may want to see the Pushover thread for a workaround.

I'm only using the built-in apps / drivers and nothing custom other than 2 small apps I wrote that don't have any HTTP calls

@ogiewon, there are problems with the built in driver as well. The problem has been found by @mike.maxwell and will be included in the next release (not sure if it will be included in the upcoming hotfix). Till then the custom driver is the temporary workaround.

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At this point I would just like to rollback

Did you submit a request to support@hubitat.com yet? They are usually very responsive.

Ticket #10775

yes, working on the HF now.


@ogiewon, are you sure about this? I've never had to rollback to a different firmware but I always assumed that it reverted everything including the firmware version. Why would they bother to list the firmware versions on the Backup/Restore page?

I am sure, as I have had to rollback for testing purposes. The firmware version is there to allow you to restore a backup that was made with that specific version of firmware. If you reverted to firmware version, your safest backup to restore would be the one from 8/1/2018.